Snooker Angles Explained

Snooker Angles Explained

Working out snooker angles is one of those aspects of the game that a lot of people talk about, but few understand in any depth.  You may hear commentators or players at the snooker club talk about half-ball, quarter-ball or the 90-degree rule and wonder what, exactly, they are referring to. While some of these … Read more

Best Snooker Tip Glue – Our Recommendations

Best Snooker Tip Glue

Finding the best snooker tip glue shouldn’t be as difficult as you might first imagine. Your first point of confusion might be whether you need specialist snooker tip glue that’s been made specifically for snooker cues, or if any old super glue will do the trick. Well, the reason why searching Google for ‘snooker tip … Read more

How Are Snooker Cues Made?

How Are Snooker Cues Made?

For a bit of wood with a patch of leather on the end, snooker cues can be surprisingly beautiful and elegant. If you’ve ever held on in your hands, you’ve probably asked yourself just how are snooker cues made? It’s a good question. After all, it’s not even just one bit of wood. Most cues … Read more

Who Is The Best Ever Snooker Player?

When deciding who is the best ever snooker player, where do you start? Is the greatest ever player the one who won the most world titles or do you count all ranking events? Is the snooker GOAT (greatest of all time) the player with the most natural talent or the one that worked the hardest? … Read more

5 Easy-To-Learn Snooker Aiming Techniques

Snooker Aiming Techniques

If you’re looking to improve your best break and get better at the game, knowing a few good snooker aiming techniques can make all the difference. When people think of aiming in snooker, they generally think about potting balls and getting potting angles correct. That’s a little narrow thinking since aiming is important for every … Read more

The Best Snooker Cue Cases For Different Cue Types

Best Snooker Cue Cases

No matter what type of cue you have, you’ll want to protect it. That’s where using the best snooker cue cases when transporting your cue is so important. A good snooker cue case will offer protection from scrapes and knocks when moving it around. However, it will also protect the case from sunlight (which can … Read more

5 Best Snooker Cues Under £100

Best Snooker Cues Under £100

Unless you’re playing at the top end of the game, you don’t need to spend a fortune on a new snooker cue. Here’s our guide to the best snooker cues under £100. While top professionals might spend hundreds or even thousands of pounds on a snooker cue, that’s because to them, the smallest details matter. … Read more

How To Get Good At Snooker – 5 Steps To Improve Fast

Ho To Get Good At Snooker

Foul and a miss. We’ve all been there. Snooker is such a difficult game, it can be incredibly frustrating at times. But knowing how to get good at snooker isn’t as straightforward as it seems. With most sports, practice makes perfect.  That’s 100% true for snooker too, but snooker is also a game of technique. … Read more

5 Best Snooker Cues For Beginners

Best snooker Cues For Beginners

 Which are the best snooker cues for beginners? Our expert guide looks at all the top options. As someone new to the game, you need a good quality cue but you shouldn’t be looking to spend a fortune. With that in mind, we’ve focused on good value snooker cues that suit people just starting out. … Read more

9 Best Snooker Books

Best Snooker Books

Nothing beats settling down with a good book, right? Here’s our guide to the best snooker books available. We have separated them into three sections; books to help you improve your game, books to learn and reminisce about the history of the game, and autobiography books from the games’ top players. Jump straight to a … Read more